Tree Works - Wallins Copse, Chineham

Published: 06 November 2024

Please see below from Hampshire County Council with regards to tree works in Wallins Copse. 

“I am writing to inform you that HCC are due to be carrying out tree works in Wallins Copse to deal with the Ash dieback which is endemic through the woodland. The work will be taking place over the winter.

We are proposing to remove only the worst affected trees, and focus on trees closest to the footpath and those close to the boundary with the properties in Glade Close.

I will be marking up the trees to be removed within the next couple of weeks. Having carried out an initial survey, I anticipate that around 30 - 40 trees will need to be removed.

It is expected that the tree contractor, by using extra ground staff to control pedestrian movements at crucial stages, will be able to keep the footpath open for the duration of the work.

We do not propose to carry out any replanting initially, as we anticipate that natural regeneration in the spring will far outgrow anything that we may plant. However, we will reassess next summer and fill in gaps with new trees as necessary.

Once a date has been confirmed for the operation, I will write again to advise you. I am also hoping to have some information notices put up at the entrances to the copse.

In the meantime, if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Graham Mundie
Arboricultural Officer

HCC Property Services”