The primary purpose of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - which local planning authorities are required to have - is to:
- Identify sites with the potential for housing;
- Assess how many homes they could provide; and
- Assess when they could be developed.
The assessment is an important evidence source to inform decision making on future housing development, but does not determine whether a site will be allocated for housing development. It includes a high level strategic overview assessment of the deliverability/developability of each identified site (in terms of its suitability, availability and achievability).
In-depth analysis of strategic sites takes place as part of the process of deciding which sites should be proposed for development in the Local Plan.
Basingstoke & Deane Borough prepared Version 7 of the SHLAA for the current pre submission Local Plan. Chineham Parish Council was invited to provide feedback on a previous version; there have not been public consultations on subsequent versions.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council's Planning and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Committee (P&I OSCOM) considered suggested sites and locations for possible development in the Borough up to 2029 as part of the Pre Submission Local Plan preparations.