
All Parish Councillors must sign a formal declaration of acceptance of office upon election or co-option onto the Parish Council. This includes their agreement to observe the current Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council (see the Code of Conduct section).

Councillor Declarations of Pecuniary Interests can be found here: Councillor DPI

Parish Councillors have a responsibility to:

  • Attend meetings when summoned to do so
  • Consider in advance of the meeting, the agenda and any related documents which were sent with the summons
  • Take part in meetings and consider all the relevant facts and issues on matters which require a decision including the views of others expressed at the meeting
  • Take part in voting and respect decisions made by the majority of those present and voting
  • Ensure with other Councillors that the Parish Council is properly managed
  • Represent the whole electorate - not just those that voted for them
Profiles of Chineham's Parish Councillors can be seen below.


Marian Adams

Marian Adams

Marian Adams has lived in Chineham for over 25 years.

Now retired, Marian enjoys flower arranging, gardening and travel.

Marian has been an active member of Neighbourhood Watch for 18 years and is a member of the Chineham Women's Institute.

She is a member of the Planning Committee.

Paul Miller

Paul Miller

Since leaving the RAF after 25 years as an air traffic controller, Paul has held various jobs in the aviation industry both in the UK and abroad. He lives in Chineham with his wife, Sandra.

Paul has always taken an interest in his local community, serving as a member of a housing association and president of a non-profit organisation whilst in California, running charity events in the UK and abroad and lecturing on security threats to various community groups.

He is presently Chairman of the Parish Council and a member of the Planning Committee.

Paul was elected as a Chineham Ward Borough Councillor in October 2009 and is a Local Authority Governor at Four Lanes Community Junior School.

Sue Fuller

Sue Fuller

After living and working in several places in the UK and in the Middle East, Sue moved to the Basingstoke area in 2008 taking a project manager position for a Pharma company. Sue has enjoyed living in Chineham since 2009.

She is currently Vice Chair and a member of the Planning Committee and is Chair of the Recreation Committee and the Chineham Parish Council representative on the Chineham Allotment Team (CAT) and local Police liaison.

Olumide Ojo-Oratokhai

Olumide Ojo-Oratokhai

Olu has lived in Basingstoke for over 15 years, and in Chineham with his family for over 10 years. He currently works as a research engineer and has over 15 years of experience mostly working on sustainable packaging solutions for global food and beverage brands.

He is passionate about sustainable development and enjoys working to cohesively improve the quality of people's lives and the environment in Chineham and beyond. Olu runs a local zero-waste refill business, to help drive reuse habits that minimise waste.

For leisure, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing football and riding his motorcycle to explore local areas.

Nigel Rose

Nigel Rose

Nigel has been a resident of Chineham for over 25 years, and lives here with his 3 children. He is a qualified Architect and has run his own local practice for over 15 years.

Nigel is passionate about sustainability and the built environment. He loves travelling, has a passion for music, most sports and in quieter moments enjoys a good book.

Neha Sompura

Neha Sompura

Neha moved to Chineham 10 years back, along with her husband from London seeking better quality life. She came to UK to do her MBA and is also a qualified PMP certified Project Manager currently working in a technology firm as a Project Manager.

Neha loves travelling, gardening, painting and has a passion for good music.

Neha is passionate about helping people in the community. She has always had a concern about a specific issue and I want to do something about it. In a time of scarce resources, having good ideas for doing more with less.

Tom Brine

Tom Brine

Tom has been a resident of Chineham for over 25 years. He is a trained economist and is currently reading the Bar Practice Course. He joined the Chineham Parish Council with a view of promoting community spirit and community advocacy.

In his spare time, he keeps up to date with current affairs, plays golf, and takes his dog on long walks

Ruth Kellaway

Ruth Kellaway

Ruth has lived in Chineham for over 20 years with her husband and 2 daughters. She is Head of the Science and Social Science Faculty of a secondary school and really enjoys working with teenagers. Ruth has joined the Parish Council as she would like to be able to make a difference in the community she has lived in, to ensure it maintains the village feeling and the environment her family has benefitted from. She is looking forward to the challenge of learning more about local government, planning and supporting local projects. In her spare time she likes to go to the gym and spend time with friends and family.

Richard Green

Richard Green

Richard only moved to live in Chineham in 2021 but has been involved with the area since 2015 through volunteering with the local Scout group after his three children joined. Richard works as an IT Consultant and outside of work, loves DIY and the great outdoors: hiking, camping, and such like.

Richard is keen to be involved with the Parish Council in a way which helps to support the long-term success and health of the village.