Commenting on a Planning Application

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) will contact you if one of your neighbours has submitted a planning application and invite you to provide feedback about it. You can do this in an email or letter directly to the Planning Officer dealing with the case.

Planning applications, plans and other associated documentation can be viewed on the Borough Council's website. You can search the Planning Applications register to find the application you wish to view. Alternatively you can visit the Borough Council's offices to see an electronic copy of the application.

Click here to search for a Planning Application on BDBC website

If you wish to comment on a neighbour's planning application, you should try to keep your comments relevant to the consideration of the application:


Issues which cannot be taken into account

  • Boundary disputes, covenants or other property rights
  • Matters dealt with by other legislation e.g. standard of works
  • Inconvenience caused by building works
  • Opposition to business competition
  • Opposition to the principle of development when this has been settled by an outline planning permission or by allocation of the site by an adopted development plan
  • The applicant's or objector's personal circumstances unless, exceptionally, these can be shown to be material e.g. disability
  • Personal remarks (e.g. the applicant's motives)
  • Reduction in property values
  • Loss of private view over the land

Issues which may be taken into account

  • Traffic generation, highway safety and parking
  • Overshadowing, overlooking and loss of privacy
  • Noise, disturbance or other loss of amenities
  • Relevant planning policies
  • Effect on trees
  • Design e.g. height/bulk/position of buildings, appearance, effect on surrounding area
  • Inadequate landscaping/means of enclosure

The Planning Committee of Chineham Parish Council will also contact you by letter to invite you to give any feedback about a neighbour's planning application to the Planning Committee. This will help inform their feedback to the Borough Council. You can provide feedback either by attending the relevant Planning Committee meeting as mentioned in your letter or by sending an email or letter to the Assistant Clerk whose address is given in the letter.

Please see the Planning Matters section for more information or contact the Assistant Clerk. You should ensure that any feedback you wish to provide in writing to the Planning Committee or to the Borough Council is received by the deadline given in your letter.

Please note that by law, any representations are open to public inspection and the Parish Council and Borough Council are unable to take anonymous feedback into account. Any comments made to the Borough Council about a planning application registered from 2017 will be available to view online.