Skate Park Extension

The location of the existing skate and BMX park provided a number of constraints; not least the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) designation that covers much of Tollhouse Meadow. This designation restricts the type and scale of development that can occur on or near to the meadow.

A brief was issued to play companies to prepare a scheme of possible improvements and provide estimated costs. This incorporated comments from skate and BMX users and the Parish Council.

Three potential schemes were submitted and after further consultation, the final scheme was agreed and the work was completed in the summer of 2012 and opened by the Mayor in August 2012.

The improvements have doubled the size of the original skate park and have provided a significantly improved experience and wider variety of equipment for users.

The Parish Council engaged a professional graffiti artist to add some street art to the new ramps and the teen shelter beside the skate park and this was completed in early 2014.

Skatepark Shelter