Chineham Parish Council recognises that recreation is for all ages – it’s not just the provision of children’s and youth facilities, nor does it just cover exercise equipment.
It should include places to sit to enjoy the amenity of the area and provision for walks as well as cycling and games. Similarly the standard of the landscaping and planting is also seen as recreational (recreation - meaning pleasurable activity, or the refreshment of health or spirits by relaxation or enjoyment).
In recent years the Parish Council has been fortunate to have had access to developer contributions via the Borough Council which are protected for projects to create new recreational facilities or enhance existing facilities for the enjoyment of Chineham residents.
A survey of Chineham residents in 2008 helped the Parish Council identify a number of recreation projects to focus on in its five year strategy.
Some projects had already been started or completed before the introduction of the five year strategy. These included:
- Provision of a multiple use games facility in Binfields
- Extension of the Village Hall to provide an extra community room and a Parish office
- Allocation of land adjacent to Ajax Close for the creation of allotments
- Extension of the Chineham Scout and Community Hall on Hanmore Road
Details of recently completed and current projects can be seen in the Recreation Projects section.